Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Winter Break

Please mark these dates on your calendar as we have our next tournament the week after we come back from break and need all the gym time we can get to get ready for the Hawley Hot Shot Tournament! It is very important that we have all players at the next few practices to help prepare for the upcoming tournament.

  • Sunday, January 3rd, 2 – 4pm in the Community Center (2 hours instead of 1.5 and new location!)
  • Monday, January 4th, 6:30 – 8pm in HS Gym
  • Saturday-Sunday, January 9th – 10th, Hot Shot Tourney, Hawley Schools (time/date TBD)
  • Sunday, January 10th – NO PRACTICE

If possible, we strongly encourage you to visit Open Gym over the holiday break to work on shooting and ball handling. Open Gym is on Sundays, 3:30-4:30pm. If you can’t get to Open Gym, there are five drills you can practice inside that won’t drive your parents crazy! Visit http://tinyurl.com/h5zk3zk for details and videos on how to do the drills.

Floor Shots – All great shooters practice with plenty of repetition. You can practice your shot laying bed or on the floor.

  • Lie flat on your back
  • Slightly bend your legs
  • Set your hands in a shooting position and shoot the ball directly upward to the ceiling
  • Follow through, catch the ball, and repeat

Ball Circles You don’t have the dribble the ball to improve your ball handling skills. Strengthen your hand-eye coordination.

  • Stand with your feet about shoulder-width
  • Swing the ball around your torso from front to back
  • Work in 60 second intervals and switch direction
  • Work circling the ball around other areas of the body: head, knees, and ankles

Finger Tips Building up strength in your fingers will help with your ball handling, passing, and catching.

  • You can do this while standing, sitting, or lying down
  • Hold ball in front of you with your fingertips, tap ball back and forth between your hands as quickly as possible
  • More advanced players can move arms around in different locations while moving ball back and forth
  • Set goals of how long you can tap ball back and forth without making a turnover

Ball Slaps – another drill that you can perform to increase finger strength.

  • Hold basketball in one hand then pound it in your opposite hand
  • The receiving hand should squeeze the ball upon impact
  • Repeat process for 60 second intervals

Defensive Stance Just as repetition helps your shot, muscle memory also applies to your defensive stance. Increase your strength and stamina.

  • Set your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and bend your knees to a defensive position
  • Keep your hands extended
  • Hold this position till fatigue

Happy Holidays and see you in 2016!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Break Info

Practice During December and Break:

  • Sunday, Dec. 20 (2-3:30pm, Fieldhouse)
  • Monday, Dec. 21 (6:30-8pm, HS Gym)
  • Sunday, Jan.  3 (2-4pm, Community Building)
  • Monday, Jan. 4 (6:30-8pm, HS Gym)
Monday night in closing, Paige led the team chant and picked a fitting word to close with. This quote popped up on my feed the very next day...

"We started out as teammates, and ended up as family!"

Monday, December 14, 2015

Great Teammates

Saw this quote today on the Proactive Coaching Facebook page and just loved it. The girls have been doing a fabulous job this year on thanking each other for a great pass, celebrating their teammates successes and cheering them on when they need lifting up. If you notice it, please help us encourage this by complimenting them when you witness their positive attitude and/or celebrating with them when they have been recognized as being a great teammate...encouragement and praise go a long way! :-)

"I would rather have a team of super teammates than super stars."

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Basketball Note

Nugget Buddies

Being a proud participant in the Nugget FUNdamental League you are invited to play at half-time against your classmates at a B squad girls basketball game (see tentative schedule below, you will be notified if a change occurs). Participants will be allowed to attend free of charge. Come to the game at the time listed below. Wear your uniform and tennis shoes. You will get a chance to go into the locker room before the B game and listen to Coach Ben Lofgren fire up his B team before the game.

Please sit directly behind the Hawley Nugget Bench in the bleachers and watch the games. Please do not be running around the gym and up and down the bleachers. You will play on the Nugget gym floor at halftime of the B game. You are also invited to stand in line with the varsity team during the introductions of starting lineups and cheer the girls on to victory.

  • Thursday, December 10                                5:30pm                 Opponent – Thief River Falls
  • Thursday, February 11                   5:30pm                 Opponent – Perham

If you cannot attend, PLEASE email us at ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com (or text to 218.329.2904) so that we can prepare the split-up of mini teams ahead of time.

Earn a FREE Basketball to improve your Shooting

Reminder, if you attend 5 open gyms you will receive a free basketball. Open Gym is held on Sunday's from 3:30-4:30pm in the HS Gym (November 1st through March). It works out well for us, as many players walk from practice right to open gym. Make sure to “check-in” with the Open Gym staff member to record your attendance to earn your ball.


While not all teams have been divided per tournament, please tentatively save the dates below. If you have a preference or prior commitment, please email us at ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com to best accommodate your request. All girls need to bring a [women’s] basketball, filled water bottle and pants/sweatshirt to tourneys. Snacks are a great idea as well as concessions aren’t always the healthiest option. Brackets aren’t usually available until 4-7 days prior to the tournament.

  • 12/12: Rothsay
  • 1/9-1/10: Hawley
  • 1/16: Wahpeton (optional tourney)
  • 1/23: Menahga
  • 1/30: Lake Park-Audubon
  • 2/6: Ada
  • 2/13: Norman Count East/Ulen-Hitterdal
  • 2/20: Frazee
  • 2/27: Waubun/Pelican Rapids/Barnesville

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

2015-2016 Tourneys

[ TOURNEY FEES/REGISTRATIONS ] I am sending in all the registrations for the year this week...I still need to hear from a few of you regarding if you have any conflicts for the dates...that way we can do our best to make sure you can attend all 5 tournaments. Once we hear from all of you, we can start a tentative schedule so you can fill in your calendars. The tourney fee for the year is $65/player. Please make checks payable to Kirsti Fleming (as I wrote the checks). Some schools wait to cash my checks, some do it immediately...to save you the hassle of watching your checkbooks, I would prefer to cash them as they come vs. waiting for my checks to be cashed if that's okay. Anyone preferring me to hold a check until a certain date can just email me.


[ OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL TOURNEY ] Also, we are thinking of entering the Wahpeton Tourney on January 16th - this is an optional tournament, and should be a nice opportunity for the girls who are looking for a more competitive tournament. If that is something you think your player(s) are interested in, please email me at ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com so we can see if we have enough interest to send a team. This is an additional fee on top of the tournament cost listed above ($140/team). For those interested in the Pacesetter team, this is a good tourney for you!



Rothsay: 12/12

Hawley: 1/9-1/10

Wahpeton (optional): 1/16

Menahga: 1/23

LPA: 1/30

Ada: 2/6

NCE-UH: 2/13

Frazee: 2/20

Pelican Rapids: 2/27

Barnesville: 2/27

Friday, November 20, 2015

Night with the Dragons

What a night! I think the girls will be on cloud-9 for awhile! :-) Thanks for all who helped drive and for all of you letting us drag them to Moorhead to watch awesome basketball! Pictures are uploaded and can be found by clicking the PICTURES tab. Please share with your girls...I know they all wanted me to text them all these photos. :-)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hoopster Gear is Available for Purchase!

Also, the Hoopster Gear tab is updated and ready to take orders. Orders must be placed by November 13th to guarantee delivery by Christmas. Click on the Hoopster Gear tab to place an order. All balances from the 2014-2015 season must be settled before new items are purchased.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Scrimmage Tonight in Hawley

  • Hawley High School Gym
  • Arrive by 5:45pm so that you have time to warm-up (prefer if you are ready to go by 5:45pm)
  • Scrimmage/Fundamentals begin at 6pm
  • Wear your Hoopster uniform on the blue side, but be prepared to switch to white if needed (we suggest a tank/undershirt if they aren't comfortable flipping the shirt around with just a sports bra); for those who don't have uniforms yet, wear your blue Team*56 shirt and athletic shorts
  • Tennis shoes tied tight are a must; basketball shoes are optional, but do help with ankle support
  • Filled water bottle or two - please label
  • For those just starting tonight, still please come...there are fundamentals you can participate in; we won't throw you in the 5-min scrimmage games unless you feel you are ready, but it's good to see how it works
  • Parents can stay and watch, but it's not necessary (nor will there be much for seating), and they will have plenty of tourney that are more fun to watch :-)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

6th Grade Season

Thanks so all who showed up and worked hard last night....by the end of practice, we could tell things were beginning to come back to them. Don't worry if you are new to basketball, with practice and determination, those skills will come! As this is a new season and we have new players, we have tried to lay out all the details that you may need to know about for the basketball season. Also, scanning through past blog posts may help as well.

  • Our first of two scrimmages with Breckenridge is Monday, October 26th at 6pm in Hawley.
  • Players must be ready by 5:45pm so that we can determine who is there and divide them up evenly, to ensure we have adequate positions covered each play. 
  • Players who have uniforms from previous years, should wear the blue side. If you do not have a jersey, wear your Team*56 shirt from last year. If your shorts are too small, any athletic shorts will do. Athletic shoes are required; however, they do not need to be basketball shoes; no street shoes.
  • Please arrive with a filled water bottle.
  • The second scrimmage with Breck is in the Breckenridge HS Gym (710 13th Street North, Breckenridge, MN).
  • If you know you are not able to attend or your player is ill that day, please email us at ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com or text to Kirsti at 218-329-2904 so we do not worry and/or wait for your player to show up.

Last night we heard from many girls that their uniforms are too small (particularly the shorts). We know we need to place an order for replacement uniforms. But, we cannot initiate an order until we know where we are sitting for need. 
  • We asked the girls last night to dig out their uniform and try it on for parents so that you can determine if an order is needed.
  • Please email Ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com this week with the status of your daughter's uniform (i.e.. uniform still fits, needs shorts, or needs complete uniform).
  • If you do not plan to participate in tournaments, purchasing the uniform is optional.

  • We will hold two practices per week; both are required to participate in tourneys. 
    • Monday night practices with Coach Gottenborg are 6:30-8pm in the HS Gym; these practices concentrate on fundamentals and are important as this is time to perfect skills and get assistance as needed on skills.
    • Sunday practices are 2:00-3:30pm in the elementary; these are very important as this is our team time where we work on plays and prepare for tourneys. Note: we have not confirmed our Sunday practice yet, but this is what it has been since 3rd grade; we will not start Sunday practices until around mid-November.
  • Players must bring/wear the following to practice:
    • water bottle (lines are too long at the water fountains)
    • practice jersey/athletic shorts
    • athletic shoes (tied tightly to avoid injuries)
    • positive attitude and willingness to learn new skills and work hard

Tourneys are optional; we want everyone to have the opportunity to participate and learn fundamentals, but understand not everyone wants to give up their weekends for tourneys...and that is okay! We still encourage anyone who wants to participate and learn about basketball with friends to participate.
  • We plan to participate in five tourneys, and sometimes new optional tourneys become available throughout the season.
  • If you plan to participate in 1 or all 5, the cost per plays is still the same. Traditionally tourneys run around $125/team and the number of players dictates the annual cost per player.
  • Based on our numbers last night, we will likely divide the girls into two teams at tournaments so that they receive more playing time. There will not be set teams for the season; teams will vary for each tourney.
  • Tournament locations in the past have been in LPA, DGF, Hawley, Ada, Pelican Rapids, Perham, Frazee, Barnesville and Menahga.
  • Admission for players is free at any tourney, but adults and siblings have to pay admission. Concessions are usually provided, but can be limited, so always plan to pack snacks and extra drinks at tournaments.

We plan to participate in the pacesetter program this spring. Pacesetter is an optional competitive opportunity at the end of our basketball season. Anyone can participate in our pacesetter team; however, pacesetter is different than our traveling team in that while we are at the regional tournament, it will not be equal playing time. To learn more about the pacesetter program, visit www.psmbbn.com. Also, please note, there are additional costs associated with this program. If you know your daughter is interested in this competitive opportunity, please let us know as soon as possible.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Basketball Season is approaching!


Did you get the flyer at the fall FUNdamentals practice about our Monday night practices resuming October 19th? We will also participate in the scrimmages with Breck again.

[ click to enlarge ]

SAVE THE DATE for Nugget Buddies

Our last year of playing during halftime at the JV game! See flyer below for details. Also, if you haven't earned a free basketball, your chance will begin November 1st! See flyer below for details.

[ click to enlarge ]

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dragon Dribblers Camp

The sixth annual Dragon Dribblers Basketball Clinic will be held on Saturdays through October at Nemzek Fieldhouse on the Minnesota State University Moorhead campus.

The clinics will be held on Oct. 3, 10, 17 and 24. Grades pre-kindergarten through fifth grade will go from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. while grades six through 12 will go from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Those attending will learn basic basketball fundamentals including dribbling, passing, shooting, footwork and more. It is also a chance to meet and interact with current members of the MSUM men's basketball team.

Cost is $50 and that includes instruction and a Dragon Dribber T-shirt.

See link for clinic brochure --> http://www.msumdragons.com/news/2015/9/14/MBB_0914154515.aspx

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Summer Offerings

We just finished updating the blog with many summer offerings! Be sure to check it out, and let others know so we can coordinate efforts! :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Thanks for the great Season!

Last Practice of the Season Video --> http://youtu.be/wM_t8fVCA0o

Stay tuned to our blog for camp, clinics, and league opportunities this spring/summer!

Also, we did post the volleyball jamborees on our calendar here for easy reference for those participating in volleyball.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Barnesville Reminders

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Amazing Article { never give up! }


12-Year-Old Finishes Basketball Season Strong With Prosthetic Arm « CBS Minnesota

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - It was the last game of the season for the Westbrook-Walnut Grove seventh graders. A win on Tuesday would give the girls just their third win of the season, but in so many ways, the year has been a success. Especially for 12-year-old Kate Jorgenson. A year-and-a-half after losing her left arm in a farm accident, Kate has proved she can do everything she used to.

Volleyball, piano and — her favorite — basketball. “Of course, when she takes a shot and makes it, both teams cheer,” Kate’s dad, Jim, said. She’s doing it all with one arm, but
she’s not doing it alone. “They just support me and encourage me to do more things and to keep on going,” Kate said.

Kate’s talking about family, friends, teachers — really, the entire community. “If there is something out there, she wants to sign up for it, and she finds a way to get it done,” Kate’s
mom, Nikki, said. And for the past couple months, she’s been getting some help.

In late November, after numerous surgeries, Kate received a prosthetic arm. It runs on electrodes. “When I fire a muscle in my arm, it reads it and it will open or close or move
up and down,” Kate said. “We went to Target, and she had no problem grabbing things off the shelf and dropping them in the cart,” said Nikki. “She hadn’t lost that ability for shopping at all.” Kate also uses her new arm to help out in the kitchen or to put away clothes. But it’s only temporary. “Our goal is to get a permanent one made of better products, so the longevity would be there,” said Jim. And that’s where the problem begins. The prosthetic Kate needs costs about $215,000. Yet the Jorgensons’ insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, had denied their claim several times.

“We met the criteria, but they choose to deny us,” Jim said. Blue Cross released a statement saying, “We are in the process of reaching out to the family in order to continue
discussions about their coverage.” And while they said they couldn’t comment on specific cases, they added, “We feel our communications could have been more clear in explaining all available options.” The statement also said that if more clinical information is provided, Kate’s case can be re-evaluated.

In the meantime, Kate will just keep doing what she’s doing. She’s supporting her team like they’ve supported her. Through the highs and lows. Nothing in Kate’s life is a slam dunk, but on this night she ends up as one of the lead scorers and helps her team close out the season with win No. 3 three.

“I worry a lot about what the future holds, but she just dives right in,” Nikki said. “We are so proud of her, and everyone expects her to keep doing whatever she wants to do.” The
Jorgensons said their goal is to initiate changes statewide, so that people who need prosthetics can get the best option available.
They say many insurance companies follow the same procedures as Blue Cross Blue Shield. Jim said Kate was the youngest person in the world to have Target Muscle Reinnervation Surgery.

Article posted from http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2015/02/23/12-year-old-finishes-basketball-season-strong-with-prosthetic-arm/

Monday, February 16, 2015

Last Brackets for 2015

Attached are the rules and brackets for our last two tournaments. Please remember to bring a bag large enough to store everything (including your ball), water bottle, snacks, and warm-up ball.



Sunday, February 15, 2015

February News

[ Autograph Night ]
Reminder, this Thursday is Autograph Night with the Varsity Girls Basketball Team! Coach Gottenborg would like the girls to form a tunnel to let the girls run out through for their last game. Girls must be there NO LATER than 6:30 to make sure we can get it all set up - please wear maroon/gold! Even if you can't make it to form the tunnel, still come to the game as all girls basketball players Grades 3-6 are invited to attend and they will be able to get autographs of the varsity players after the Varsity Game. The team has prints of the varsity team to give to the girls after the game. They will autograph the print or you can have them autograph your basketball or wear your Late Night with the Nuggets tee and have them autograph the back of the shirt instead (bring your own sharpie just in case).

[ Frazee/Barnesville Tourneys ]
  • Like most tournaments, please bring your usual items, including a warm-up ball.
  • Concessions are provided at both locations.
  • I have received the Barnesville bracket, and should receive the Frazee bracket by Monday night. Posting of brackets and rules will be posted on the blog Monday night.
  • We had a lot of families with commitments on either the 21st or 28th, so you made our job easy...we only had to divide up a few players. See the teams below for our last tourneys:
    • Frazee:  Aubrey, Grace B., Paige, Haylie, Alex, Elle, Jada, Tallyn, Madi
    • Barnesville: Kaylie, Kylie, Grace F., Sidney, Makenzie, Makya, Faith, Kira, Kezia

[ Remaining Practices ]
  • 2/16/15: Even though there isn't school tomorrow, we still have a Monday night practice. This is our final Monday night basketball practice!
  • 2/22/15: We understand if the Frazee attendees would prefer to skip practice on the 22nd, but would love to have them if they are willing!
  • 2/23/15: Due to the music program, we will not practice on Monday, the 23rd.

[ End of Season Fun ]
Please save the date for End of Season fun and treats on Sunday, March 1, from 2-3:30pm (our normal practice time). We will play lightening, mini-games and have ice cream treats. Parents are welcome to stay. Please still wear your uniforms as it makes it easier for 3-on-3 play. Bring a ball and water bottle as well.

Save the Date - volleyball begins the 2nd week of March!

Monday, February 9, 2015

This Weekend's Tourneys

Pelican Rapids

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ada Pics

It sure was a long day in Ada yesterday...certainly not the best bracket setup, but for those of you curious, the Ada facilitator said they normally only allow an 8-team bracket, but Crookston and Hawley entered with 2 teams and that changed things a bit...he said they aren't sure they would do it like this again. Anyway, while the four games really wore out our 8-player teams, maybe it helps to understand why conditioning (running) is important too. All in all, we were really proud of how hard the girls worked yesterday...every tournament we see them learn a little more, and that's what it's all about! The team images below are also on Dropbox (to download full res copies of the image, visit your Dropbox link).

Friday, February 6, 2015

Next 2 Tourneys

Ada Tournament - Saturday, March 7th

Based on the bracket setup, it could be a long day for the tourney tomorrow. I talked with the organizer and he said there is a Subway and West Main Pizza in town for other food options. He also said the Dekko Community Center opens at 9:45am and has a nice swimming pool and ARC Lanes is available for bowling (beginning at 1pm), so families have options of things to do if we get a big break between games. We recommend players do not go swimming until after the tourney as they get pretty winded by the third game without adding extra activities throughout the day. Even though we split into two teams, remember, WE ARE ALL HOOPSTERS! Whether we win or lose, we are all one team...please cheer on your teammates if they play when you have off.

White Team: Paige, Haylie, Alex, Grace F, Maki, Jada, Tallyn, Madi, Kezia
Blue Team: Aubrey, Grace B, Kaylie, Kylie, Sidney, Mayka, Elle, Faith, Kira

  • Please have your uniform on the correct color side
  • Bring a sweatshirt and pants for between games
  • Please have a filled water bottle ready for each game
  • Pack snacks and/or Gatorade for in between games (concessions will also be available)
  • If your feet sweat a lot, pack extra socks
  • DO NOT bring a ball - Ada will be providing them and they do not want us to bring them
  • Bring a book, cards, or something inexpensive to do with the team between games
  • Please bring a bag to store all your items
Ada Bracket --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8PbctZJ6MkhSWc4aHBKT2JaNUF3UTJMTUwwVUtldHhLVXg4/view?usp=sharing
Ada Rules --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8PbctZJ6MkhVHo1OG9IRG9TR2U2TjlOVTdval9fbEd2SnI4/view?usp=sharing


February 14th Tourneys

Just a reminder - we both play on the 14th, just in two different locations. One team will be heading to Ulen-Hitterdahl/NCE and the other to Pelican Rapids. We have not received bracket information yet for either tournament. Both teams can wear their jerseys on the blue side. More details will come up closer to the date, but below are the teams (you will also be invited via google calendar).

UH/NCE: Aubrey, Grace B, Paige, Kaylie, Kylie, Maki, Makya, Faith, Kira
Pelican Rapids: Haylie, Alex, Grace F, Sidney, Elle, Jada, Tallyn, Madi, Kezia

Monday, February 2, 2015

Ada Tourney

Plan on an all-day event in Ada this Saturday. Both teams play at 8:15am so we need to be ready to warm-up BY 8am....we asked the girls to arrive at 7:45am as they can take awhile to get all ready. It will be a long day, but should be a good match-up. Girls do NOT need to bring balls to this tourney...but plan on water bottles, snacks and warm-ups for in between games. Looks like some games could have quite the gap, so it wouldn't hurt to bring some cards, books or games to play together. When the girls don't play at the same time, we would like for them to cheer on their teammates.

Link to Rules and Brackets:


If you didn't get the direct email for the pictures, email ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com and we will invite you, or you can view them by visiting this link --> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xcdqj75b7lyq3ej/AAAndyhK_OJv-b--g0Z3ndt1a?dl=0

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lots of Info

[ JAN.31 ] For those playing in Lake Park, please check your email for game-day specifics.
[ FEB.1 ] Even though we hear there is some big football game this Sunday, we do plan to have practice. There still should be plenty of time to get to the game festivities. :-)
[ FEB.7 ]  Check your email for the bracket for Ada - all Hawley girls play the first game at 8:15am. We have not divided up the teams yet, and probably won't until very close to the date, but we thought you may be interested in the rules and bracket ahead of time.
[ FEB.8 ] No practice and no open gym, due to the Boys HotShot Tourney.

[ TEAM PHOTOS ] We finally got through all the photos and have uploaded them to dropbox. You do not need to download the free program, but if you do, it increases our storage (which means we don't have to remove the photos each year). You will receive an email invite to the 5th Grade Team Album. In the album there are team photos, tourney photos, and individual player photos. Note: not all the players wanted to do the additional poses; those that did, stayed after practice that day for a few more shots. Keep the link handy as it will be updated each tourney. Players - if you want the photos shared to YOUR email account, please send an email to ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com

Sunday, January 25, 2015

TODAY [Sunday, Jan.25}

Good Luck to all the girls in Perham today!

For those not playing in Perham, we will have the Elementary Gym open during our normal practice time (2-3:30pm) for anyone wanting to just shoot and let off a little energy. This is not practice - this is just optional for anyone wanting to work on their shot. Remember, Open Gym is not open today due to the Wrestling Tourney.

Please text/call Kirsti 218-329-2904 or Kathleen 701-219-4491 if you get there later and need to be let in.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

This Weekend's Tourneys

  • 1/24: Menahga [this was the optional tourney that cost extra to attend...only those who signed up are going: Haylie, Kaylie, Kylie, Alex, Grace F, Makenzie, Elle, Faith, Kira]
  • 1/25: Perham [Taylor, Aubrey, Grace B, Sidney, Makenzie, Makya, Elle, Jada, Tallyn, Kira
    The locations for the games are as follows:
    Prairie Wind Middle School- 480 Coney St. Perham MN 56573
    Heart of the Lakes Elementary- 810 2nd Avenue SW Perham MN 56573
    Perham Area Community Center (PACC)- 620 3rd Avenue Southeast, Perham, MN 56573

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 5:30pm - Our Last Nugget Buddies Scrimmage
  • This the last opportunity for the girls to scrimmage during half-time of the JV Team Game. You will need to arrive by 5:30pm.
  • If you know you are not able to make it on Friday, please let us know via ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com so we can prepare. 
  • Once we hear from everyone, we will email back on Wed/Thu to let you know what color jersey to wear. See below for details about the scrimmage:
  • MESSAGE FROM COACH GOTTENBORG: Being a proud participant in the Nugget FUNdamental League you are invited to play at half-time against your classmates of a B-squad girls basketball game. You will be allowed to attend free of charge. Come to the game at the time listed below. Wear gym clothes and tennis shoes, and a shirt designated by your coaches. You will get a chance to go into the locker room before the B-game and listen to Coach Ben Lofgren fire up his B-team before the game. Girls - please sit directly behind the Hawley Nugget Bench in the bleachers and watch the games (your coaches will meet you over there). You will play on the Nugget gym floor at halftime of the first game. You are also invited to stand in line with the varsity team during the introductions of starting lineups and cheer the girls on to victory.

SUNDAY, JAN. 18, 1:30pm - Team & Individual Pictures 
  • We would like to do Team pictures on Sunday, as well as an individual one of each player.
  • IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT, please let us know as we don't want to do it if everyone can't be there.
  • Please note the 30minute early start, as we still have a lot to cover in practice, we don't want it to take up a lot of time.
  • Please wear your complete jersey on the blue side.
SUNDAY, JAN. 18, 2:00pm - Practice
  • Practice as usual, from 2-3:30pm.
  • PLEASE MAKE SURE THE GIRLS REMOVE ALL JEWELRY, even if it's just a friendship bracelet. The girls are getting more aggressive, which is great, but we don't want to add to the owies by having metal on us or getting fingers caught in bracelets.
We also highly encourage anyone and everyone to attend Open Gym as it's a great opportunity to work on shooting form...as you probably noticed at the tourney, we could all use some repetition and work on form and squaring up the basket. Many times you will see 2-3 coaches there, so you don't need to worry about not staying at Open Gym with the girls. Some walk over with us to open gym and get picked up there at 4:30pm. Remember, if they attend 5 Open Gyms, they get a basketball from Coach Gottenborg!
One last note...now that the girls are really pushing it at practice and tourneys, you may start to hear more about their aches and pains. Basketball is a high-impact and physically demanding sport, so it's normal if they are sore and have aches/pains, in fact, it probably means they are pushing themselves and trying hard...which is great! The most common aches from basketball are jammed fingers, sore ankles and skinned/bruised knees. While the jammed fingers cannot usually be prevented, there are certainly things they can do to prevent ankle injury. The most important thing is durable shoes. With their feet growing almost daily, please keep an eye on their shoes...shoes that are too small can have serious effects on the feet. You may notice your daughter running differently or running only on her toes...that could be a sign that her shoes are too small. Shoes that are still too big can also cause injury as their ankles/feet don't have the proper support and can cause clumsiness. While it's not necessary to buy basketball shoes, as they get more dedicated to the support in the next year or so, you may want to consider it, as they are made for the constant jumping/stopping. If interested in basketball shoes for next year, start checking out the clearance section at Scheel's...we have already seen some pairs move off the floor to clearance and it's a great way to get good shoes for an affordable price.The other preventative measure it to strengthen their ankles...here is a great video on how the girls can strengthen their ankles --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajsDsTrn0GI
Keep up the good work encouraging them to play hard, be a good teammate and have a great attitude!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Due to low participation from 5th grade, Waubun is not holding a tourney for 5th graders now...so we did some rearranging and came up with this for the rest of the season (assuming no other schools cancel due to not enough teams participating). We will keep the same team split (for the most part, there was one coaching conflict), and hope to post the teams for the rest of the 2-town tourneys soon! Also, we hope to do team photos on the 18th!
Tourney Schedule
Game 1
Hawley (2 teams)
Game 2
Perham (1 team)
LPA (1 team)
Game 3
Ada (2 teams)
Game 4
Pelican Rapids (1 team)
Ulen-Hitterdal/NCE (1 team)
Game 5
Frazee (1 team)
Barnesville (1 team)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Looking Ahead

UPDATE - Waubun did not have enough entries for 5th grade, so we are quickly looking for new opportunities!

Knowing that we shouldn't run into last-minute team rearranging, we thought it would be helpful to post info for the next tournament. The next tourney is Saturday, January 31st. We are in two different locations: LPA and Waubun, thus both teams should show up wearing blue side out but be prepared to flip if there is another blue team. Brackets and times aren't available yet and not usually until a week before the tourney, but below is the next team mixup plan for LPA/Waubun. Reminder, each tournament creates a new mix of players on the team.

LPA: Alex, Faith, Grace B., Haylie, Jada, Kaylie, Kezia, Kylie, Madi, Makenzie
Waubun: Aubrey, Elle, Grace F., Kira, Macey, Paige, Sidney, Tallyn, Taylor

Also, please help us by keep stressing we are one team...the Hawley Hoopsters, regardless of what color jersey we show up in that day. And while we know the girls get excited when they see what team they are placed on, we are trying to discourage "smack-talk" when comparing Hoopster teams/teammates, even if it's in jest. We don't want anyone talking it to heart....each player is a valuable member of the team....and remind them:
"Individually we are just drops, but together, we can make it rain!"