Tuesday, January 13, 2015


FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 5:30pm - Our Last Nugget Buddies Scrimmage
  • This the last opportunity for the girls to scrimmage during half-time of the JV Team Game. You will need to arrive by 5:30pm.
  • If you know you are not able to make it on Friday, please let us know via ladyhawleynuggets@gmail.com so we can prepare. 
  • Once we hear from everyone, we will email back on Wed/Thu to let you know what color jersey to wear. See below for details about the scrimmage:
  • MESSAGE FROM COACH GOTTENBORG: Being a proud participant in the Nugget FUNdamental League you are invited to play at half-time against your classmates of a B-squad girls basketball game. You will be allowed to attend free of charge. Come to the game at the time listed below. Wear gym clothes and tennis shoes, and a shirt designated by your coaches. You will get a chance to go into the locker room before the B-game and listen to Coach Ben Lofgren fire up his B-team before the game. Girls - please sit directly behind the Hawley Nugget Bench in the bleachers and watch the games (your coaches will meet you over there). You will play on the Nugget gym floor at halftime of the first game. You are also invited to stand in line with the varsity team during the introductions of starting lineups and cheer the girls on to victory.

SUNDAY, JAN. 18, 1:30pm - Team & Individual Pictures 
  • We would like to do Team pictures on Sunday, as well as an individual one of each player.
  • IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT, please let us know as we don't want to do it if everyone can't be there.
  • Please note the 30minute early start, as we still have a lot to cover in practice, we don't want it to take up a lot of time.
  • Please wear your complete jersey on the blue side.
SUNDAY, JAN. 18, 2:00pm - Practice
  • Practice as usual, from 2-3:30pm.
  • PLEASE MAKE SURE THE GIRLS REMOVE ALL JEWELRY, even if it's just a friendship bracelet. The girls are getting more aggressive, which is great, but we don't want to add to the owies by having metal on us or getting fingers caught in bracelets.
We also highly encourage anyone and everyone to attend Open Gym as it's a great opportunity to work on shooting form...as you probably noticed at the tourney, we could all use some repetition and work on form and squaring up the basket. Many times you will see 2-3 coaches there, so you don't need to worry about not staying at Open Gym with the girls. Some walk over with us to open gym and get picked up there at 4:30pm. Remember, if they attend 5 Open Gyms, they get a basketball from Coach Gottenborg!
One last note...now that the girls are really pushing it at practice and tourneys, you may start to hear more about their aches and pains. Basketball is a high-impact and physically demanding sport, so it's normal if they are sore and have aches/pains, in fact, it probably means they are pushing themselves and trying hard...which is great! The most common aches from basketball are jammed fingers, sore ankles and skinned/bruised knees. While the jammed fingers cannot usually be prevented, there are certainly things they can do to prevent ankle injury. The most important thing is durable shoes. With their feet growing almost daily, please keep an eye on their shoes...shoes that are too small can have serious effects on the feet. You may notice your daughter running differently or running only on her toes...that could be a sign that her shoes are too small. Shoes that are still too big can also cause injury as their ankles/feet don't have the proper support and can cause clumsiness. While it's not necessary to buy basketball shoes, as they get more dedicated to the support in the next year or so, you may want to consider it, as they are made for the constant jumping/stopping. If interested in basketball shoes for next year, start checking out the clearance section at Scheel's...we have already seen some pairs move off the floor to clearance and it's a great way to get good shoes for an affordable price.The other preventative measure it to strengthen their ankles...here is a great video on how the girls can strengthen their ankles --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajsDsTrn0GI
Keep up the good work encouraging them to play hard, be a good teammate and have a great attitude!

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