- Players: Aubrey, Grace B, Paige, Kaylie, Kylie, Maki, Makya, Faith, Kira
- First Game: 9:15am in the West Court (be ready to warm-up at 8:45am)
- Location: All games will be played at the Ulen School
- Bracket: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8PbctZJ6MkhekVzVnNZVFM2WktzTkVNVjcwaVZGMHpzQWZF/view?usp=sharing
- Rules: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8PbctZJ6MkhU2hhSXQ4aDFhLTJSODhEOHhRU1VYaGp6T2Rz/view?usp=sharing
- What to Bring: warm-up ball, water bottle, snacks, sweatshirt/pants for in between games, extra socks if your feet sweat, and a bag large enough to store all your items (including your ball)
- Admission: Adults $5, Students $3, Players $0
- Concessions: available
Pelican Rapids
- Players: Haylie, Alex, Grace F, Sidney, Elle, Jada, Tallyn, Madi, Kezia
- First Game: 9am in the Elementary Cafeteria (be ready to warm-up at 8:30am)
- Location: games will be played in Pelican Rapids at the Elementary and High School
- Bracket: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8PbctZJ6MkhOVVBS1h5S2dOWWNOZERoZmpIOTBYc0hMd2pr/view?usp=sharing
- Rules: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8PbctZJ6MkhSDdzMDViV3V4ZVZNUWwyQloxTmZGWkhKNTI4/view?usp=sharing
- What to Bring: warm-up ball, water bottle, snacks, sweatshirt/pants for in between games, extra socks if your feet sweat, and a bag large enough to store all your items (including your ball)
- Admission: Adults $5, Students $3, Players $0
- Concessions: available at both sites (they make awesome hot turkey sandwiches)
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