Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lots of Info

[ JAN.31 ] For those playing in Lake Park, please check your email for game-day specifics.
[ FEB.1 ] Even though we hear there is some big football game this Sunday, we do plan to have practice. There still should be plenty of time to get to the game festivities. :-)
[ FEB.7 ]  Check your email for the bracket for Ada - all Hawley girls play the first game at 8:15am. We have not divided up the teams yet, and probably won't until very close to the date, but we thought you may be interested in the rules and bracket ahead of time.
[ FEB.8 ] No practice and no open gym, due to the Boys HotShot Tourney.

[ TEAM PHOTOS ] We finally got through all the photos and have uploaded them to dropbox. You do not need to download the free program, but if you do, it increases our storage (which means we don't have to remove the photos each year). You will receive an email invite to the 5th Grade Team Album. In the album there are team photos, tourney photos, and individual player photos. Note: not all the players wanted to do the additional poses; those that did, stayed after practice that day for a few more shots. Keep the link handy as it will be updated each tourney. Players - if you want the photos shared to YOUR email account, please send an email to

Sunday, January 25, 2015

TODAY [Sunday, Jan.25}

Good Luck to all the girls in Perham today!

For those not playing in Perham, we will have the Elementary Gym open during our normal practice time (2-3:30pm) for anyone wanting to just shoot and let off a little energy. This is not practice - this is just optional for anyone wanting to work on their shot. Remember, Open Gym is not open today due to the Wrestling Tourney.

Please text/call Kirsti 218-329-2904 or Kathleen 701-219-4491 if you get there later and need to be let in.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

This Weekend's Tourneys

  • 1/24: Menahga [this was the optional tourney that cost extra to attend...only those who signed up are going: Haylie, Kaylie, Kylie, Alex, Grace F, Makenzie, Elle, Faith, Kira]
  • 1/25: Perham [Taylor, Aubrey, Grace B, Sidney, Makenzie, Makya, Elle, Jada, Tallyn, Kira
    The locations for the games are as follows:
    Prairie Wind Middle School- 480 Coney St. Perham MN 56573
    Heart of the Lakes Elementary- 810 2nd Avenue SW Perham MN 56573
    Perham Area Community Center (PACC)- 620 3rd Avenue Southeast, Perham, MN 56573

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 5:30pm - Our Last Nugget Buddies Scrimmage
  • This the last opportunity for the girls to scrimmage during half-time of the JV Team Game. You will need to arrive by 5:30pm.
  • If you know you are not able to make it on Friday, please let us know via so we can prepare. 
  • Once we hear from everyone, we will email back on Wed/Thu to let you know what color jersey to wear. See below for details about the scrimmage:
  • MESSAGE FROM COACH GOTTENBORG: Being a proud participant in the Nugget FUNdamental League you are invited to play at half-time against your classmates of a B-squad girls basketball game. You will be allowed to attend free of charge. Come to the game at the time listed below. Wear gym clothes and tennis shoes, and a shirt designated by your coaches. You will get a chance to go into the locker room before the B-game and listen to Coach Ben Lofgren fire up his B-team before the game. Girls - please sit directly behind the Hawley Nugget Bench in the bleachers and watch the games (your coaches will meet you over there). You will play on the Nugget gym floor at halftime of the first game. You are also invited to stand in line with the varsity team during the introductions of starting lineups and cheer the girls on to victory.

SUNDAY, JAN. 18, 1:30pm - Team & Individual Pictures 
  • We would like to do Team pictures on Sunday, as well as an individual one of each player.
  • IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT, please let us know as we don't want to do it if everyone can't be there.
  • Please note the 30minute early start, as we still have a lot to cover in practice, we don't want it to take up a lot of time.
  • Please wear your complete jersey on the blue side.
SUNDAY, JAN. 18, 2:00pm - Practice
  • Practice as usual, from 2-3:30pm.
  • PLEASE MAKE SURE THE GIRLS REMOVE ALL JEWELRY, even if it's just a friendship bracelet. The girls are getting more aggressive, which is great, but we don't want to add to the owies by having metal on us or getting fingers caught in bracelets.
We also highly encourage anyone and everyone to attend Open Gym as it's a great opportunity to work on shooting you probably noticed at the tourney, we could all use some repetition and work on form and squaring up the basket. Many times you will see 2-3 coaches there, so you don't need to worry about not staying at Open Gym with the girls. Some walk over with us to open gym and get picked up there at 4:30pm. Remember, if they attend 5 Open Gyms, they get a basketball from Coach Gottenborg!
One last that the girls are really pushing it at practice and tourneys, you may start to hear more about their aches and pains. Basketball is a high-impact and physically demanding sport, so it's normal if they are sore and have aches/pains, in fact, it probably means they are pushing themselves and trying hard...which is great! The most common aches from basketball are jammed fingers, sore ankles and skinned/bruised knees. While the jammed fingers cannot usually be prevented, there are certainly things they can do to prevent ankle injury. The most important thing is durable shoes. With their feet growing almost daily, please keep an eye on their that are too small can have serious effects on the feet. You may notice your daughter running differently or running only on her toes...that could be a sign that her shoes are too small. Shoes that are still too big can also cause injury as their ankles/feet don't have the proper support and can cause clumsiness. While it's not necessary to buy basketball shoes, as they get more dedicated to the support in the next year or so, you may want to consider it, as they are made for the constant jumping/stopping. If interested in basketball shoes for next year, start checking out the clearance section at Scheel's...we have already seen some pairs move off the floor to clearance and it's a great way to get good shoes for an affordable price.The other preventative measure it to strengthen their is a great video on how the girls can strengthen their ankles -->
Keep up the good work encouraging them to play hard, be a good teammate and have a great attitude!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Due to low participation from 5th grade, Waubun is not holding a tourney for 5th graders we did some rearranging and came up with this for the rest of the season (assuming no other schools cancel due to not enough teams participating). We will keep the same team split (for the most part, there was one coaching conflict), and hope to post the teams for the rest of the 2-town tourneys soon! Also, we hope to do team photos on the 18th!
Tourney Schedule
Game 1
Hawley (2 teams)
Game 2
Perham (1 team)
LPA (1 team)
Game 3
Ada (2 teams)
Game 4
Pelican Rapids (1 team)
Ulen-Hitterdal/NCE (1 team)
Game 5
Frazee (1 team)
Barnesville (1 team)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Looking Ahead

UPDATE - Waubun did not have enough entries for 5th grade, so we are quickly looking for new opportunities!

Knowing that we shouldn't run into last-minute team rearranging, we thought it would be helpful to post info for the next tournament. The next tourney is Saturday, January 31st. We are in two different locations: LPA and Waubun, thus both teams should show up wearing blue side out but be prepared to flip if there is another blue team. Brackets and times aren't available yet and not usually until a week before the tourney, but below is the next team mixup plan for LPA/Waubun. Reminder, each tournament creates a new mix of players on the team.

LPA: Alex, Faith, Grace B., Haylie, Jada, Kaylie, Kezia, Kylie, Madi, Makenzie
Waubun: Aubrey, Elle, Grace F., Kira, Macey, Paige, Sidney, Tallyn, Taylor

Also, please help us by keep stressing we are one team...the Hawley Hoopsters, regardless of what color jersey we show up in that day. And while we know the girls get excited when they see what team they are placed on, we are trying to discourage "smack-talk" when comparing Hoopster teams/teammates, even if it's in jest. We don't want anyone talking it to heart....each player is a valuable member of the team....and remind them:
"Individually we are just drops, but together, we can make it rain!"

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hot Shot Tourney

Thanks for all the responses/feedback regarding the tournament this weekend. We did a lot of moving to ensure that relatives participating in the tourney, regardless of the grade, were able to stick to a one-day commitment.
Brackets/Rules: Saturday's team plays a round-robin format and Sunday's team plays bracket format. Schedules/brackets will be posted and a copy of the rules will be available at the scorer's table in all gyms. Rules and brackets have also been attached.

Site/Parking: Games will be played in the High School, Elementary and Community Building sites, depending on bracket.

Admission/Concessions: We aren't sure on the price for admission, but generally adults are around $4-$6, Students Grades 1-12 $2-$3, Kindergarten and Younger $0, Players/Coaches $0. Concessions and Hot Shot t-shirts will be on sale and available in the high school. Please don't rely on concessions for their only snacks/meals, as it can be backed up and/or low on items.

What You Need to Bring: All players must wear their Hawley Hoopsters uniforms (they cannot play without a number). Please wear so the blue side is showing...we may have to change if we play a team with the same color, so make sure the girls are wearing a tank or something underneath so that the girls can quickly change and not need to run to the bathroom to change. If for some reason the uniforms don't arrive on time, since we have two different play dates, we will be able to share uniforms with friends. Teams must supply their own basketballs for warm-up so please bring your own basketball for warm-up and please make sure your name is clearly written on it (and maybe their "player number" or "Hawley" as well if you have a common last name). Water bottles are required and must also be labeled....please don't rely on picking up a water or Gatorade at concessions as the lines could be long and we need to be ready. We also advise bringing a sweatshirt and/or sweatpants to wear between games. Granola bars and other quick snacks are a great idea to pack!
How to Prepare: No metal can be on the girls, as well as nothing on their fingers or wrists...even friendship bracelets on the wrist cannot be worn. So earrings, jewelry, bobby pins or barrettes all have to go...if the earrings are new and cannot be taken out, they must be taped...we will have tape. Before each game, we would appreciate it if you can remind/encourage the girls to fill their water bottles and go to the bathroom before the game. All players must be present 15 minutes before game time. We also encourage them to get sleep the night before...they are going to be tired by the end of the tourney the way it is! :-)
Which Day do We Come? We only ask that you come on the day your child are certainly welcome to come both days, but not expected and know that players will probably have to pay admission on the day they don't play. We will be sending out another email regarding Saturday or Sunday tourney.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

1st Tournament!

[SUNDAY PRACTICE] Reminder, there is practice tomorrow from 2-3:30pm in the Elementary Gym...we really need anyone who plans to participate in the tournaments to be there.

[UNIFORMS] Uniforms arrived (except 2 who ordered Youth XL, so I had them send Adult XS instead)...the company said they are usually the same size, but they had Adult XS in stock and they are rushing them so we have them in time. I will bring them to Sunday's practice.

[TOURNEY] Our tournament is on the 11th, which is a Sunday. The Blue Team's first game is at noon and the White Team's first game is at 2pm. Please come wearing the appropriate jersey color to the next two practices and the tournament on the 11th.

[TEAMS] Just a reminder that each tourney the girls will be playing with a different group of girls, so the teams are always changing. For the first tourney, see below:
  • Blue: Aubrey, Elle, Haylie, Jada, Kaylie, Kira, Madi, Maki, Sidney, Taylor
  • White: Alex, Faith, Grace B, Grace F, Kezia, Kylie, Macey, Makya, Paige, Tallyn