Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tourney Info

  • Please bring your own (labeled) basketball for warm-ups
  • Please make sure you have a (labeled) water bottle to last each game
  • Remind players to fill water bottles and use the restroom before each game; if they have to leave during play, they may miss their rotation
  • Concessions will be in the high school, so you may want to pack snacks/lunch as there may not always be much time to run over to get food
  • If you can volunteer to work in between games, just report to the Concession Stand and fill in whenever you can (and remember to report this when you register for Summer Rec as you get a discount!)
  • They sold programs at the Boys HotShot tourney for $2 and we anticipate they will be doing this for the girls as they asked for the roster (you can view player/team info, record scores, follow the bracket, and find location information for each game)
  • If you haven't paid for the extra team entry, please bring it to the tournament on Saturday ($8.33 per player)
    • White Team: Tallyn, Elle, Jada, Aubrey, Alex, Kira, Madi, Taylor
    • Blue Team: Kaylie, Kylie, Paige, Grace, Shelby, Faith, Makenzie
    • 8:30am Game (Blue) in the Elementary Gym
    • 9:30am Game (White) in the Elementary Gym
    • 10:30am Game (Blue) in the Elementary Gym
    • 12:30pm Game (White) in the HS Gym (west gym)
    • Champion/Consolation Champion Seed play games are at 1:30pm in the HS West Gym, 2:30pm in the Elementary Gym and 3:30pm in the Elementary Gym (based on their first 2 games, depends on where they are placed)
    • We have reminded the girls we are all one team and encouraged them to sit and watch their teammates and cheer them on when they aren't playing
  • All coaches will be there and you can ask any of us with questions, but if you are playing on white, your daughter(s) should find Ryan or Mindy; if you are playing on blue, your daughters should find Kathleen or Renee
Reminder: the uniforms need to last through 6th grade. After the tournament, please hang the uniform (folding can cause the screen to stick together) and remind the girls not to wear their uniforms until basketball season next year. We got the uniforms for a deal because we ordered 12+, but ordering one at a time will almost double in price.

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