Monday, December 29, 2014

January News

We hope the break has been treating you well - remember, no practice tonight! With our first tournament approaching, we need to know who is committed to playing on the 10th - please email us by Friday. Once we hear back from everyone (either way), we will send out an email how to dress for the next 2 practices and for the tourney. Also, please note we got scheduled for Sunday for the Hawley Hot Shot Tourney, not Saturday...there were too many teams to get us all in on Saturday, so 5th grade is playing on Sunday. If your daughter is planning to participate in the tourney, it is very important that she comes to both practices. We know there have been a few with bronchial issues, but have been very pleased to see them still come to practice to at least walk through the plays, even if they couldn't participate in any conditioning or hard play. Please see below for all the January reminders. Thanks!
  • Practice: Sunday, January 4th (Hawley Elementary)
  • Practice: Monday, January 5th (HHS)
  • Tourney: Sunday, January 11th (HHS) 
I will send out the Tourney Bracket on Friday once we hear back regarding participation for the tourney. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Winter Break Schedule & More

  • Open Gym will be open as usual over Winter Break.
  • Monday Night Practices will continue through January (February is not determined at this time as the schedule is not made).
  • Next Practice will be Sunday, January 4th - it is very important that anyone planning to participate in the Hawley HotShot Tourney attends!
  • Uniforms should arrive next week; they were shorted 2 pairs of shorts and I said to ship what they have for now. They know we have a tourney on the 10th and will ensure we have the shorts by then (assuming they can get them as well). If not, I think I have 2 pairs from last year that were defect that I never got around to returning for credit, so we can always use's just a little loose stitching.
  • Hoopster Gear is partially received; pants are being sent via next-day-air and should arrive tomorrow. If you ordered pants and need them for Christmas please email so that I know who needs them ASAP.
  • Perfecting Shooting Form - we have talked about ways to perfect shooting form when at home, even if you don't have access to a basketball hoop; we found a video that you may enjoy--> 
  • Hawley HotShot Tourney is Saturday, January 10th! We will email out over break on what color jerseys to wear at the next 2 practices and at the tourney.
  • Players Page - we have created a players page on the blog for the girls where they can check out basketball plays/terminology, watch technique videos and cool downloads. Please share with them!

Monday, December 8, 2014

JV Halftime Scrimmage

Tomorrow is our first of two opportunities to scrimmage during the JV halftime basketball game. Here's what you need to know:
  • Players get in to the game FREE
  • Please come prepared in their blue/white gear with tennis/BB shoes 
  • Players will get a chance to go into the locker room before the B-Team game and listen to Coach Ben Lofgren fire up his team before the game.
  • Players are also invited to stand in line with the varsity team during the introduction of starting lineups
  • Please arrive and be ready by 5:35pm (coaches will be sitting in the bleachers behind the team)
  • Players are not required to stay for the varsity game, but are more than welcome to!
  • If you are unable to attend tomorrow, please let us know so we can move players around to accommodate and still make sure all girls have enough playing time
See you at practice tonight! 6:30-8pm in the HS Gym

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Save the dates for the upcoming tournaments! Note: we will have new teams each tournament and at this point, we do not have any of that determined, so please pencil in all dates. We have not determined how we plan to do the 5th tourney...we will keep you posted once we know. Also, some expressed interest in doing 6 tourneys....we will notify you if we find one that works out.
Please always refer to the blog's calendar for practice times and tournament dates.
Also, if you have not signed up for the Late Night with the Nuggets (Saturday), Coach Gottenborg said there is still time - email him at or call the school to register.
TourneyDateNumber of Teams AttendingLocation
Tourney 110-Jan2 teamsHawley
Tourney 231-Jan1 teamLake Park
31-Jan1 teamWaubun
Tourney 37-Feb2 teamsAda
Tourney 414-Feb1 teamUH/NCE
14-Feb1 teamPelican Rapids
Tourney 5 (option1)27-Feb2 teamsBarnesville
Tourney 5
21-Feb1 teamFrazee
27-Feb1 teamBarnesville

Monday, November 17, 2014


We are getting ready to submit entry forms for tournaments, but need to determine which ones to attend. In order to do that we would like to find out from families what their intent is when it comes to tournaments, as we know they are a big time and money commitment. Last year we entered 4 tournaments...this year we plan to participate in at least four, but splitting the team in half so that the girls get more playing time. If you can respond with your commitment level, that would help us determine where to go from here. Also, reminder that practice tonight is just 7-8pm. Please come find me as I will have you sign the participation waiver for tournaments to get it out of the way. Thanks!
  • 4 tournaments ($48/player)
  • 5 tournaments ($60/player)
  • 6 tournaments ($72/player)
  • Do not plan to participate in tournaments $0/player)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Monday Practice [11/17/14]

Practice will be shorter next week due to conferences. Also, Bill is hoping we can start Monday night practices earlier in the future (last year we couldn't as the boys varsity had to practice later as their coach had to travel from Moorhead). We will keep you posted on this.
"The elementary girls bb program on Monday, Nov. 17th will run from 7-8:00 p.m. because the boys varsity team will have late practice due to parent teacher conferences. 
Thank you,
Bill G."

Monday, November 3, 2014

Scrimmage TONIGHT in Breckenridge

Just a reminder about our scrimmage in Breckenridge tonight. It is at the high school. Please be dressed and ready to warm up by 6pm.
  • Please bring a filled water bottle (there will be quite the line if we all have to fill them when we arrive)
  • Make sure you have tennis shoes that can be tied tightly and they prefer if you keep this pair as your indoor pair, but understand if you only have one set (bb shoes do work best, but nobody is expected to purchase them, especially at this age). Wear other shoes to the gym and change so that shoes are free of dirt/water/snow
  • Wear your Hoopsters uniform from last year if you can; if it does not fit or if you are new to the team, wear shorts and your Team56 shirt as it is the same color
  • It is ideal to have a small bag/tote for their warmups/pants/sweatshirts, water bottle and shoes...things get misplaced very quickly with 3rd-6th grade all together in one gym
  • Do NOT bring your own basketball to the scrimmage - they will have balls to use and it is too easy to lose their ball among the school balls
  • Please be dressed and ready to go by 5:50pm; warm-up starts at 6pm sharp
  • The girls will be practicing offense, defense, and OOB plays, scrimmaging and ending with some shooting drills
Parents are welcome to stay and watch, but it will be tight, so seating is not guaranteed

Monday, October 27, 2014

Scrimmage in Hawley [ TONIGHT ]

I'm sure your girls needed no reminding about the scrimmage tonight (6-8pm), but just in case, here are a few reminders on what to expect and plan for:
  • Please bring a filled water bottle (there will be quite the line if we all have to fill them when we arrive)
  • Make sure you have tennis shoes that can be tied tightly and they prefer if you keep this pair as your indoor pair, but understand if you only have one set (bb shoes do work best, but nobody is expected to purchase them, especially at this age)
  • Wear other shoes to the gym and change so that shoes are free of dirt/water/snow
  • Wear your Hoopsters uniform from last year if you can; if it does not fit or if you are new to the team, wear shorts and your Team56 shirt as it is the same color (we will be placing a clothing order after the 2 scrimmages)
  • It is ideal to have a small bag/tote for their warmups/pants/sweatshirts, water bottle and shoes...things get misplaced very quickly with 3rd-6th grade all together in one gym
  • We recommend NOT bringing your own basketball to these 2 scrimmages - we have plenty to use and it is too easy to lose their ball among the rest
  • Please be dressed and ready to go by 5:50pm; warm-up starts at 6pm sharp
  • The plan we received is that we will be practicing offense, defense, and OOB plays for 40 minutes and then will scrimmage, ending with some shooting drills
  • Parents are welcome to stay and watch, but it will be tight, so seating is not guaranteed

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Basketball Updates & Clinic Opportunities

[ Scrimmages Planned ]
Coach Gottenborg is planning scrimmages with Breck again this year. He is looking at October 27th in Hawley and November 3rd in Breckenridge, both 6-8pm. Save the date!
[ Practice Info ]
Coach Gottenborg also confirmed that he plans to hold Monday night practices again. I expect they will begin mid-October (enough time to prep before the Breck Scrimmage. Also, we would like to reserve the elementary gym for our practice time as well and were wondering what you prefer:
  • Saturday morning practice (something like 8:30-10:30am/9-11am) OR
  • Sunday afternoon practice (1:30-3:30pm, right before Open Gym)
  • Please email and let us know what time you prefer
[ BB Clinic ] 

Join the Dragon Basketball Family for an opportunity to mix fun & excitement while learning basic basketball fundamentals. Instruction will focus on basic basketball fundaments including dribbling, passing, shooting, footwork & more. This is a great opportunity to meet & interact with current members of the MSUM Men’s Basketball Team!

[ BB for K-2 ]
Keep an eye out for information regarding Saturday Basketball for Kindergarten-2nd Grade, boys and girls (3-4 Saturdays are planned).

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Timberwolves & Lynx Basketball Clinic

Heading to the cities over MEA? Want something for the kids to do for only $39?

·         Oct 17 – ages 7-12, co-ed, Burnsville, 1pm-4pm, $39

·         Oct 17 – ages 7-12, co-ed, Maple Grove, 9am-12pm, $39

·         Oct 17 – ages 11-14, girls, Apple Valley, 1pm-4pm, $39

·         Oct 17 – ages 11-14, boys, Apple Valley, 9am-12pm, $39

Monday, April 21, 2014

Shada 3-on-3 (Pelican Rapids)

There is an annual tournament in Pelican Rapids where teams of 4 can play other teams in a round-robin format. Visit for more details. Register by April 30th to receive the lowest rate. If you plan to form a team, please feel free to utilize the team's email addresses to recruit girls for a team and/or see if there is interest.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tourney Info

  • Please bring your own (labeled) basketball for warm-ups
  • Please make sure you have a (labeled) water bottle to last each game
  • Remind players to fill water bottles and use the restroom before each game; if they have to leave during play, they may miss their rotation
  • Concessions will be in the high school, so you may want to pack snacks/lunch as there may not always be much time to run over to get food
  • If you can volunteer to work in between games, just report to the Concession Stand and fill in whenever you can (and remember to report this when you register for Summer Rec as you get a discount!)
  • They sold programs at the Boys HotShot tourney for $2 and we anticipate they will be doing this for the girls as they asked for the roster (you can view player/team info, record scores, follow the bracket, and find location information for each game)
  • If you haven't paid for the extra team entry, please bring it to the tournament on Saturday ($8.33 per player)
    • White Team: Tallyn, Elle, Jada, Aubrey, Alex, Kira, Madi, Taylor
    • Blue Team: Kaylie, Kylie, Paige, Grace, Shelby, Faith, Makenzie
    • 8:30am Game (Blue) in the Elementary Gym
    • 9:30am Game (White) in the Elementary Gym
    • 10:30am Game (Blue) in the Elementary Gym
    • 12:30pm Game (White) in the HS Gym (west gym)
    • Champion/Consolation Champion Seed play games are at 1:30pm in the HS West Gym, 2:30pm in the Elementary Gym and 3:30pm in the Elementary Gym (based on their first 2 games, depends on where they are placed)
    • We have reminded the girls we are all one team and encouraged them to sit and watch their teammates and cheer them on when they aren't playing
  • All coaches will be there and you can ask any of us with questions, but if you are playing on white, your daughter(s) should find Ryan or Mindy; if you are playing on blue, your daughters should find Kathleen or Renee
Reminder: the uniforms need to last through 6th grade. After the tournament, please hang the uniform (folding can cause the screen to stick together) and remind the girls not to wear their uniforms until basketball season next year. We got the uniforms for a deal because we ordered 12+, but ordering one at a time will almost double in price.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Team Photos

Pictures are done! You can download them via Dropbox (see link below image) and order wherever you want or just use them digitally. Included are collages and memory mates, as well as the original images. We hope you enjoy them....

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

MSUM Basketball Camps this Summer

June 10 – Varsity & JV Team Camp
June 20 – Varsity & JV Team Camp
June 27 – Varsity & JV Team Camp
July 7-10 – Middle School Camp (entering grades 5-8)
July 18-19 – Varsity & JV Team Camp
Aug. 4-6 High School Shooting Camp
We also have 3 Junior Dragon Mini Camps scheduled for girls entering K-4:
June 13 (9 AM-Noon)
June 30 (9 AM-Noon)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

iPod Wallpaper

After seeing quite a few girls have downloaded the sneak peek photo, and hearing how they loved it but wish their head wasn't cut off, I thought they would like a version that will fit their iPod Touch perfectly. Enjoy!

Friday, March 7, 2014

HS Nuggets Advance

The varsity girls played a great game last night in Hawley and have advanced in their bracket (8AA). If you are interested in seeing them take on Perham, the game is on Saturday at 6pm at the Concordia fieldhouse. Want to follow the brackets?

[ click image to enlarge ]

Monday, February 24, 2014

Autograph Night

Reminder: this Tuesday (February 25th) is Autograph Night with the Varsity Girls Basketball Team. Coach Gottenborg would like the girls to form a tunnel to let the girls run out through for their last game. Girls must be there NO LATER than 6:30 to make sure we can get it all set up - please wear maroon/gold! Even if you can't make it to form the tunnel, still come to the game as all girls basketball players Grades 3-6 are invited to attend and they will be able to get autographs of the varsity players after the Varsity Game. The team has panorama prints of the varsity team to give to the girls after the game. They will autograph the print or you can have them autograph your basketball or wear your Late Night with the Nuggets tee and have them autograph the back of the shirt instead (bring your own sharpie just in case).

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February News

We were very pleased with the scrimmage today - it was a great way to get tournament experience without the cost and losing a whole day to traveling basketball! Sounds like the girls had fun too. We hope to get a date lined up soon with UH/NCE, but we plan to make use of our Sunday practice time again. There are some dates of note coming up, so please keep an eye on the blog and calendar (see list below). Also, I'm finally getting caught up entering all the expenses, so if you have anything due still, I'll be sending out a separate email with that amount. Thanks again for being so supportive in getting your girls to practice and games, you can really see the difference in the girls from the beginning of the year, and having a supportive group of parents makes the experience for the players (and coaches) so much more enjoyable!
  • Monday, Feb. 17, 7-8:30pm - Practice with Coach Gottenborg (HS Gym)
  • Sunday, Feb. 23, 1:30-3pm - Practice (Elem Gym)
  • Tuesday, Feb. 25, 5:35-8:30pm - Autograph Night (HS Gym)
  • Monday, Feb. 24, 7-8:30pm - Practice with Coach Gottenborg (HS Gym)
  • Sunday, Mar. 2, 1:30-3pm - Practice and Team Photos (Elem Gym)
  • Monday, Mar. 3, Practice with Coach Gottenborg (HS Gym)
  • ( More practices in between here but we will be probably go to one/week )
  • Saturday, Mar. 29, TBD - Hawley HotShot Tourney

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Scrimmage Sunday with Barnesville

Update to our tourney plans: after I sent out an interest email, both the Barnesville and UH Coaches contacted me about getting together to scrimmage. The coaches decided there was no reason to spend money on a tourney when we have two free opportunities. We are still lining up the UH date, but plan to use our Sunday practice time.
THIS SUNDAY: instead of practice, we will scrimmage against Barnesville in the Elementary Gym 1:30pm - 3pm. Please arrive on time so that we can make use of the time. Also, remember to wear your jerseys! Parents are welcome to stay and watch, but it's not necessary. We should be able to figure out how to pull out the bleachers.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Titan Tourney (NCE/UH)

Good morning! We received our tourney information for the NCE/UH Tourney on Saturday. We were waiting for some reclarification, but have it now. We play in Twin Valley and our first game is at 9:00 vs. NCE/UH. This tourney is Bracket Style vs. Round Robin, so depending on if we win or lose, dictates when we play next and in which facility. If you cannot attend, it is not a big deal, but please let us know so we can pre-plan substitutions. See reminders below:
  • Please bring your own ball for warmup (make sure it has your name on it)
  • Concessions will be available at both locations, but please have a marked water-bottle for your player for at the bench
  • Please remind the girls to fill their water bottles and to use the restroom before each game - if they are gone during the substituion it is really hard to get them back in mid-rotation
  • There are two locations: Ulen and Twin Valley (we start in Twin Valley)
  • Uniforms are required - please have your player wear the blue side
  • We need to be in the gym and ready to warm up 15 minutes prior to the game time

Reminder: there is practice tonight in the high school!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Night & Hawley Tourney

1) No practice tonight. We are not allowed to practice on days when school is canceled, even if the weather does a 180.We will see you on Sunday instead.
2) There is room for additional 4th grade teams at the Hawley Hot Shot Tourney in March - is there interest in submitting two teams so the girls get more playing time? There would be an additional cost of $8.35/player if we entered as two teams.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sunday Practice [ optional ]

Due to the weather, tomorrow's practice is "come if you can" ~ parents are welcome to stay and burn off some energy as well! Great job tonight Hoopsters!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Caring for Uniform

  • Wash in warm water (hand wash or washing machine)
  • Wash inside out - this is a bit tricky as they are two sided, but you should be able to  flip them so that they are inside out completely, but it takes some work
  • Wash with similar items (avoid heavy clothing such as jeans)
  • Do not twist to dry (light rinse cycle is recommended)
  • Air drying is best - you can flip the jerseys back so that the logos are on the outside (keep out of direct sunlight as the blue screen could fade)
  • Dryers will also work on the permanent press or light air dry cycles (make sure the jersey is still inside out) - but remove immediately when the dryer is done as the screens can stick to each other and could cause it to peel apart
  • Make sure to use mild/standard detergent - avoid bleach and any other stronger chemical soaps

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Busy Weeks Ahead of Us...

The girls learned a lot at the tourney today and we while we always hope for a win or two, we were happy to see that things started "clicking" by the third game - they made huge strides today and have a lot to be proud of! They have a busy week ahead of them this week as well, so they can showcase their newfound skills:
  • [ practice ] Sunday, Jan.19th, 1:30-3:00pm - Elementary Gym
  • [ practice ] Monday, Jan. 20th, 7:00-8:30pm - High School Gym
  • [ scrimmage ] Thursday, Jan. 23rd, 5:30pm - High School Gym during JV Halftime
  • [ tourney ] Saturday, Jan. 25th, 4:45pm - Audubon Elementary School
  • [ practice ] Sunday, Jan. 26th 1:30pm - 3:00pm - Elementary Gym
  • [ practice ] Monday, Jan. 27th, 7:00-8:30pm - High School Gym
  • [ tourney ] Saturday, Feb. 8th, TBD - UlenHitterdal TBD
  • [ no practice ] Sunday, Feb. 9th - due to boys hot shot tourney
We have posted a picture from the tourney on the pictures section of the blog as well...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January News & Tourney Info

January News
We just received the bracket for the LPA Tourney, and being the youngest group, we have a later bracket and are in the elementary school in Audubon instead of Lake Park. We have invited all who plan to attend to the games, but if something has come up and your girl(s) can no longer attend, please let us know. Again we need to bring our own balls for warm-up. Concessions will be available. Not sure if our clothing orders will be in by the date - it will be close, but we didn't want to pay extra for a rush job. Below you will find the remaining dates for January.
  • Saturday, 1/18 - DGF Tourney (Dilworth)
  • Sunday, 1/19 - Practice
  • Thursday, 1/23 - Scrimmage with the 3rd Graders during the JV Game
  • Saturday, 1/25 - LPA Tourney (Audubon)
  • Sunday, 1/26 - Practice

DGF Tourney Reminders
  • Location: All games will be played at the DILWORTH school; parking is available on the street as well as the parking lot located north of the building
  • Admission: Adults $4, Students Grades 1-12 $2, Kindergarten and Younger $0, Players/Coaches $0
  • Concessions: will be provided at both gyms
  • Uniforms: All players must wear their Hawley Hoopsters uniforms (they cannot play without a number), please wear the blue side up; make sure the girls wear a tank or tee underneath in case we need to flip to the white side
  • What to Bring: Teams must supply their own basketballs for warm-up so please bring your own basketball for warm-up and please make sure your name is clearly written on it; also make sure they have some sort of warm-up outfit for between games, as well a water bottle with their name marked on it
  • Please make sure we can get the girls all together after their last game (after ribbons are awarded) for a group photo!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Important Dates

1/18 - DGF Tourney (Dilworth)

1/23 - Scrimmage during JV Game

1/25 - Gateway to the Lakes Shootout (LPA)

2/8 - Titan Girls BB Tourney (Ulen)

2/9 - NO PRACTICE (Boys HotShot Tourney in Hawley)

2/25 - Autograph Night (Hawley)

3/29 - Hawley HotShot Tourney (Hawley)

Reminder: please bring your own basketball on Saturday for warm-up. We will have a mesh bag to store them all for you.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

DGF Tourney

We finally got the info for the DGF Tourney coming up this weekend. The tournament is THIS Saturday, January 18th.

Games/Rules/Scoring: Brackets will be posted and a copy of the rules will be available at the scorer's table in both gyms. There will be two 12-minute halves, no running clock unless lead is greater than 20 points in the last five minutes of the 2 half.

Each team is guaranteed Three (3) games. A forfeit is considered a guaranteed game. Medals for 1st and 2nd place. Ribbons for Consolation Champs. Ten (10) medals/ribbons available per team - we will have to figure something out here (we can probably order replacements). We play three games and it was made clear that all teams must be available for the 5:10pm slot, even if they aren't scheduled, but that is one of our scheduled times anyway. If we are in 4th place, we are done after the 5:10pm game; if we are in 1st-3rd place, we play the 3rd place from Pool A at 6:05pm.

Site/Parking: All games will be played at the DILWORTH site. The Middle (Junior High) School and Multipurpose gyms are in the same building just at opposite ends. Parking is available on the street as well as the parking lot located north of the building.

Admission/Concessions: Adults $4, Students Grades 1-12 $2, Kindergarten and Younger $0, Players/Coaches $0. Concessions will be available at both sites.

What You Need to Bring: All players must wear their Hawley Hoopsters uniforms (they cannot play without a number). Please wear so the blue side is showing. Teams must supply their own basketballs for warm-up so please bring your own basketball for warm-up and please make sure your name is clearly written on it (and maybe their "player number" or "Hawley" as well if you have a common last name).

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hoopster Gear

Some families have expressed interest in being able to get shirts to support the team during tourneys, so we quickly put together an order form of a few items (for adults and players). THIS IS OPTIONAL and by no means is anyone needing to place an order. We only need a minimum of 12 pieces and we already feel very confident we can achieve the minimum. If we don't have the minimum, we wait to place the order next year at the beginning of the season. We will do this again next year, for anyone on the fence this year.

In order to get them in time for our last three tourneys, orders are due THIS FRIDAY MORNING. Please email your orders to (include item number and size, if you order the 1/4 zip you also need to include the color).

I have a few clothing order updates:
1) To add names to the items, it is just $3.00 per item (heat pressed)
2) The Badger 1/4 Zip Poly Fleece Pullover (Item#1480) is actually embroidered, not screen printed. And while it looks teal-like in the image, the believe it is actually closer to the columbia blue color like the rest of the items.
3) For any guys who need big and tall sizes, we suggest the following:
[ click image to enlarge ]

Note: Uniforms are coming in this week and will be handed out at the next practice.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Weather Updates

  • HotShot Hawley Tourney for this Saturday has been POSTPONED until March 29th (at this point we are assuming we have the same game times, but we will find out and let you know if that is not the case).
  • No practice Sunday, January 5th.
  • No Open Gym Sunday, January 5th.
  • No practice Monday, January 6th.
  • Sunday practices will resume on January 12th.
  • Monday night practices will resume on January 13th.
  • Next tournament is the DGF Tourney in Glyndon on January 18th/19th.

Tourney Rescheduled

Due to the weather conditions, the Hawley Hot Shot Tournament has been rescheduled to March 29th-30th. That being said, we will NOT hold practice tonight - which is good since the weather isn't great right now and the gym heaters are not functioning properly.

Normally we wouldn't have been able to have practice on Sunday due to the tourney, but as that is now postponed and we won't have practice on Monday night due to school being cancelled, we would like to hold practice on Sunday; however, we are not sure if we are allowed to us school activities are cancelled until Tuesday. We will keep you posted.

Weather Update

If the weather gets worse, we are going to cancel tonight's practice. We will decide by 5pm and post on our blog. Coach Gottenborg will decide at 6:30am on Saturday if the tournament will be cancelled or not. We will keep you posted through our blog. Thank you!

Feel free to call/text if you miss the post/email: 218.329.2904

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Practice Friday

Weather permitting of course, we have decided to go ahead and have practice tomorrow night in the elementary gym. We have the gym from 7-8:30, but understand if you want to grab your girl(s) at 8pm. An hour of going through the plays and scrimmaging will make a big impact. There is supposedly some bad weather heading our way, so please check the blog (or your email) for information regarding Friday's practice and the tourney. Thank you!

If you prefer to call/text, you can contact Kirsti 218.329.2904