Monday, December 29, 2014

January News

We hope the break has been treating you well - remember, no practice tonight! With our first tournament approaching, we need to know who is committed to playing on the 10th - please email us by Friday. Once we hear back from everyone (either way), we will send out an email how to dress for the next 2 practices and for the tourney. Also, please note we got scheduled for Sunday for the Hawley Hot Shot Tourney, not Saturday...there were too many teams to get us all in on Saturday, so 5th grade is playing on Sunday. If your daughter is planning to participate in the tourney, it is very important that she comes to both practices. We know there have been a few with bronchial issues, but have been very pleased to see them still come to practice to at least walk through the plays, even if they couldn't participate in any conditioning or hard play. Please see below for all the January reminders. Thanks!
  • Practice: Sunday, January 4th (Hawley Elementary)
  • Practice: Monday, January 5th (HHS)
  • Tourney: Sunday, January 11th (HHS) 
I will send out the Tourney Bracket on Friday once we hear back regarding participation for the tourney. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Winter Break Schedule & More

  • Open Gym will be open as usual over Winter Break.
  • Monday Night Practices will continue through January (February is not determined at this time as the schedule is not made).
  • Next Practice will be Sunday, January 4th - it is very important that anyone planning to participate in the Hawley HotShot Tourney attends!
  • Uniforms should arrive next week; they were shorted 2 pairs of shorts and I said to ship what they have for now. They know we have a tourney on the 10th and will ensure we have the shorts by then (assuming they can get them as well). If not, I think I have 2 pairs from last year that were defect that I never got around to returning for credit, so we can always use's just a little loose stitching.
  • Hoopster Gear is partially received; pants are being sent via next-day-air and should arrive tomorrow. If you ordered pants and need them for Christmas please email so that I know who needs them ASAP.
  • Perfecting Shooting Form - we have talked about ways to perfect shooting form when at home, even if you don't have access to a basketball hoop; we found a video that you may enjoy--> 
  • Hawley HotShot Tourney is Saturday, January 10th! We will email out over break on what color jerseys to wear at the next 2 practices and at the tourney.
  • Players Page - we have created a players page on the blog for the girls where they can check out basketball plays/terminology, watch technique videos and cool downloads. Please share with them!

Monday, December 8, 2014

JV Halftime Scrimmage

Tomorrow is our first of two opportunities to scrimmage during the JV halftime basketball game. Here's what you need to know:
  • Players get in to the game FREE
  • Please come prepared in their blue/white gear with tennis/BB shoes 
  • Players will get a chance to go into the locker room before the B-Team game and listen to Coach Ben Lofgren fire up his team before the game.
  • Players are also invited to stand in line with the varsity team during the introduction of starting lineups
  • Please arrive and be ready by 5:35pm (coaches will be sitting in the bleachers behind the team)
  • Players are not required to stay for the varsity game, but are more than welcome to!
  • If you are unable to attend tomorrow, please let us know so we can move players around to accommodate and still make sure all girls have enough playing time
See you at practice tonight! 6:30-8pm in the HS Gym

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Save the dates for the upcoming tournaments! Note: we will have new teams each tournament and at this point, we do not have any of that determined, so please pencil in all dates. We have not determined how we plan to do the 5th tourney...we will keep you posted once we know. Also, some expressed interest in doing 6 tourneys....we will notify you if we find one that works out.
Please always refer to the blog's calendar for practice times and tournament dates.
Also, if you have not signed up for the Late Night with the Nuggets (Saturday), Coach Gottenborg said there is still time - email him at or call the school to register.
TourneyDateNumber of Teams AttendingLocation
Tourney 110-Jan2 teamsHawley
Tourney 231-Jan1 teamLake Park
31-Jan1 teamWaubun
Tourney 37-Feb2 teamsAda
Tourney 414-Feb1 teamUH/NCE
14-Feb1 teamPelican Rapids
Tourney 5 (option1)27-Feb2 teamsBarnesville
Tourney 5
21-Feb1 teamFrazee
27-Feb1 teamBarnesville